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Monday, June 2, 2008

Wacky Mohawks!!!!!

What started out a a nice normal haircuts turned into wacky mohawk's last night. Rhys decided he wanted a mohawk and Malik jumped on that bandwagon as fast as he could. I though it was an OK way to welcome summer, I can't think of a better time to let them. Wacky Boys, I Love you! (Shar, I can't decide what is worse, mohawk or scroungy, it might be a tie)


Leslie @ Rustic Whimsy said...

Oh No...you are THAT mom! Good thing you have cute kids that can pull off a hair style like that!

Becky Gray said...

Cute...that is an awesome way to welcome summer. all though i don't think i will let my girls do the same

Tolman Family said...

We love you guys...awesome haircuts boys! Nice that you top it off with the "rock on" Oh ya!

Paul and Megan Hawkes said...


Nick Scott Family said...

Oh my gosh! They are cute! Who do they take more after...Corey or Brenda????HMMMMMM

Jensen Family said...

Sweet Hawks boys!! Now all you need is a couple of wifebeaters and a sweet Camero.

Sharlene Enloe said...

I'm so impressed that my name made your blog. I don't know what is worse, a mother who doesn't make her kids get their haircut or a mother who lets them get mowhawks. You know now my boys are going to be wanting mowhawks when they see your boys this weekend.

madlexi said...

my mommy wont let me do that :( u lucky ducks

One BIG Happy Family said...

Are those really my grandsons?
Who would guess.

G&G Martin said...

Brenda, I have to make another comment. I love your layout and background. Dad and I are having trouble reading the print. Maybe a color that is darker for those of us that are aging. Smile!